There are several things that cause pain in the mouth, some of these causes include tooth decay, fracture or abscess, a broken or damaged filling, nightly teeth grinding, gum infection or wisdom teeth pain. Irrespective of the cause, you are advised to visit your dentist when you have feel oral pain. If the wisdom teeth is still in your mouth, then you may still be having the wisdom teeth pain. How can this unique pain be recognized?
What You Need To Know About Wisdom Teeth Pain
You can find wisdom teeth growing at the back of the mouth, very close to the molars. You can also see a set on the bottom and the top. These teeth usually grow in sideways, crooked, or misaligned. When they are growing, they normally push other teeth away, which may result in overcrowding and also misalignment.
When the wisdom teeth begin to grow, you will start having pains in your mouth. The wisdom teeth pain will be felt at the back of your mouth, behind your molars. When you look through a mirror, you may see that your wisdom teeth is beginning to grow out through your gums. You can also notice some itchy red and tender to the touch. But most people don’t usually have any symptom of wisdom teeth pain.
For most people, wisdom teeth pain can be constant, but others only feel pain and uneasiness when eating or touching that spot. Most dentist will suggest that you should remove your wisdom teeth before wisdom teeth pain becomes unbearable.
Wisdom Teeth Pain From Impaction
Wisdom teeth pain can be due to impacted wisdom teeth, and this occurs when wisdom teeth are stopped from growing by other teeth or jaw bone. Removing impacted wisdom teeth are hard because its poses a big risk for surgery and may result in damaging of the bones and other teeth permanently. Also, you can be prone to bacterial getting into your tissue if wisdom teeth pain persists. Oral infections can result in negative impact on the general body health.
You can also know if your wisdom teeth is impacted is through tenderness and jaw pain, swelling of the gum and redness, mouth odor, or having a bad taste when eating. Also, impacted wisdom teeth can expose you to cysts, a pockets fluid-like that form around the tooth. Sometime, tumors can form around the tooth. Tumors and cysts can permanently damage your jaw bone and teeth. Wisdom teeth pain does not necessarily mean that your wisdom teeth are impacted, but if you don’t go for medical checkup on time then it may result in wisdom teeth being impacted.
Book an appointment with your dentist or oral surgeon if you start experiencing wisdom teeth pain. Your dentist will confirm if the pain is really wisdom teeth pain or not. At this point, the major solution for your teeth pain is to remove the wisdom teeth.
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